FM 6-14: Standard Survival Techniques for Indvidual Sized Units

Noble dead that sleep below,
We your valour ne'er forget;
Soft the heroes' rest who know
Hearts like theirs are beating yet.

06 September 2005

Plebe Period...

Well, I've commenced my training in the GMC Corps of Cadets. I haven't yet earned the right to be called a cadet, so I'm referred to as a lowly "plebe." Plebe period isn't really that rough so far, and it looks like we're going to have a lot of open weekends.

I passed my qualifying APFT, and so should be signing my soul away in the next few days. My first pay check comes in on the 15th. Also, I should be hooking up with the Georgia National Guard soon for more money.

I made my first Ranger Team meeting today. It involved a lot of push-ups, but seems like it is going to be great fun. But then again, I have a reputation for being a little crazy when it comes to PT. What can I say... I'm motivated.

Sin City is one of the coolest movies ever.

I truly think that I'm doing what I was born to do. How many people can say that?


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