FM 6-14: Standard Survival Techniques for Indvidual Sized Units

Noble dead that sleep below,
We your valour ne'er forget;
Soft the heroes' rest who know
Hearts like theirs are beating yet.

16 June 2005

Shopping Fiend

Well, I must say that I'm exhausted. I've spent the entire day so far shopping for things to take to Kentucky with me. It ended up costing me in the neighborhood of 200 dollars. ::sigh:: I was running all over the Navy Exchange for several hours looking for everything. I did get to buy some cool stuff though, including a pair of brand-new all-terrain cross training shoes. I also picked up Mer a present today...

Well, I'm going to take a quick power nap before I go test out my new running shoes. I'll probably post later this evening. I've been posting frantically since I'm leaving tomorrow!


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