FM 6-14: Standard Survival Techniques for Indvidual Sized Units

Noble dead that sleep below,
We your valour ne'er forget;
Soft the heroes' rest who know
Hearts like theirs are beating yet.

27 July 2005

Back in business...

The American space program is now back in business. Tentatively. So much is riding on this mission. Our space program is a litmus test of the American spirit. During early cold war Americana the space program excelled and was seen as a symbol of American greatness. As the cold war simmered down, however, so did the US space program. I think that America needs something to inspire her. I long for that feeling of national pride when we conquered the moon. 9/11 reminded many of us how wonderful it is to live in America, but new victories in space would show the world that we're still on top. What happened to that wonderful idealism that once imbued the country about being American? Why don't we find the glory of discovery and exploration appealing any more? We've become so weighed down by tedious internal issues that we've forgotten how to dream, and a life without dreams is one not worth living.


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