FM 6-14: Standard Survival Techniques for Indvidual Sized Units

Noble dead that sleep below,
We your valour ne'er forget;
Soft the heroes' rest who know
Hearts like theirs are beating yet.

15 September 2005

Drama in the GMC...

Today was the Command Retreat Ceremony. As narrator, I was the only plebe allowed to wear BDU's, and I was standing in the shadow of the OCB behind my little podium. Everyone else was getting scorched. I nailed my part. In the sake of humility, it really wasn't that hard. I just had to read from a piece of paper. I was offered the chance to meet the president. General Borlein is an old guy with a shock of white hair and a wicked limp. He parks his Lexus Convertible beside the OCB everyday. He has done amazing things with GMC, including the restoration of the OCB and construction of almost all of the buildings currently in use.

Someone slid a note underneath plebe Fowler's door that said "DIE FOWLER." Rumor has it that all the males in 4th battalion all have 50 hours of bullring. That is insane.

Also, the status of our weekend is still up in the air. I suppose I won't know if I'm going home until tomorrow.

I received a package from my folks today. It contained: 2 knee braces that are too small, 1 pair of infantry combat boots, 1 stick of gel for my knee, 1 letter, and 1 picture of Mer and I at prom.

Apparently dad has taught Alyssa how to make the touchdown sign with both of her arms. Man, I'd kill to see that.



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