FM 6-14: Standard Survival Techniques for Indvidual Sized Units

Noble dead that sleep below,
We your valour ne'er forget;
Soft the heroes' rest who know
Hearts like theirs are beating yet.

27 November 2005


I leave later this morning for Airborne school. I doubt that I'll have much computer access for the next three weeks. Wish me luck!


24 November 2005

Turkey Day: Thug Style

As I was watching the Macey's Parade earlier this morning, something unexpected and hilarious happened. A dance troop called the "Hip Hop Kidz" performed. That isn't the funny part. What was funny was that after they had completed their performance, Matt Lauer looked at Katie Couric and said, "Those kids were off the chain."

Katie replied, "Fo' Shizzle."

No joke. It really happened.

20 November 2005

I've been home for a little bit now, and I'm quite relieved to be away from GMC for a while. I leave for airborne school exactly one week from today.

My father confiscated my cell phone (mainly because of huge overages caused by conversations with one Texas resident who shall not be named) so I had to go buy my own. I went up to Nextel because all of my friends have it, so my bill would be a little cheaper. It turns out that Harley started working at Nextel the day that I went in, so I was his first sale. I bought the i305 phone, which I have been assured is virtually indestructable. Harley made some comment about throwing one through a sheet of drywall and one of his buddy's survived a drop in a swimming pool. It looks and feels like a digital brick. Luckily, I'm not concerned with the fashion of my phone. I have, however, received several comments on how cool it is.

Honestly, life has been boring as of late. I spend most of my time hanging out with Josh or having ridiculously long phone conversations. It must be the lull before the storm. Airborne is going to be busy, if not intense, and upon my return Mer will be home and my family may begin trickling in for Christmas. Commence craziness.

On a side note, Wendy's has an awesome promotional offer going. If I collect 32 medium or biggie size drink cups, I receive a free one way ticket to anywhere that Airtran flies and if I collect 64, I receive a free roundtrip ticket. I only need 62 more cups to be on my way to Texas sometime this spring!

15 November 2005

Alas, I have fallen behind in my blogging. Perhaps it was my intense and hectic schedule, but I think it had more to do with the fact that I didn't feel like I had anything to say. I'm very much looking forward to heading home today, after a long first quarter at GMC. My report date to airborne school is the 28th, so I'll have a good week and a half to relax before I ship out. Mer will be home by the time I return from Ft. Benning, and I couldn't be more ecstatic (on a side note: my plotting to sneak out to Aggieland and surprise her never reached fruition).

My exams so far have been incredibly easy, which is a blessing because I didn't study at all.

My Mom's retirement went well. I got to see much of my family and Candy James. I also got to spend time with my friends from back home, which was a blast.

My trip to the Mason's went well as usual. I set myself upon their food stores and had a nice bit of conversation with Mer's parents. Much to my dismay, Megan's gingerbread men from last year had dissapeared from the cupboard. I was very much looking forward to throwing them at small children from my car window. Those things could do some damage.

Unfortunately, I must be off to my English exam. I'll try to post again soon.