FM 6-14: Standard Survival Techniques for Indvidual Sized Units

Noble dead that sleep below,
We your valour ne'er forget;
Soft the heroes' rest who know
Hearts like theirs are beating yet.

18 January 2006

Airborne Creed

I am an Airborne trooper, A paratrooper! I Jump by parachute from any plane in flight. I volunteered to do it, knowing well the hazards off my choice. I serve in a mighty airborne force, famed in deeds in war and renowned for readiness in peace. I pledge to uphold its honor and prestige in all I am and all I do. I am an elite trooper, a sky trooper, a shock trooper, a spearhead trooper. I blaze the way to far flung goals behind, before, above the foe's front line. I know that I have to fight without support for days on end. Therefore, I keep mind and body always fit to do my part in any airborne task I am self reliant and unafraid. I shoot true, and march fast and far. I fight hard and execute in every art and artifice of war I never fail a fellow trooper. I cherish as a sacred trust the lives of the men with whom I serve. Leaders have my fullest loyalty, and those I lead never find me lacking. I have pride in the Airborne! I never let it down. In peace, I do not shirk the dullest duty nor protest the toughest training. My weapons and equipment are always combat ready. I am neat of dress, military in courtesy, proper in conduct and behavior. In battle, I fear no foe's ability, nor under estimate his prowess, power and agility. I fight him with all my might and skill ever alert to evade capture or escape a trap. I never surrender, though I may be the last. My goal in peace and war is to succeed in any mission of the day or die if it needs be in the try. I belong to a proud and glorious team, the Airborne, the Army, my Country. I am its chosen pride to fight where others my not go to serve them well until the final victory. I am a trooper from the sky! I am my nations best! In peace and war I never fail. Anywhere, anytime, in anything, I am the Airborne!


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