Apocalypse Now... or Later?
What is wrong with the world today? Hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, wildfires. What's the deal? Chris swears to God that the world is going to end in 2012. He says it's in the bible code. I, however, make no such attempts at reading the future. What I can tell you, is that I think that the world seems to becoming an increasingly unstable place. Pax Americana couldn't last forever. I just thank God that I'm on the path to be well positioned to make a difference.
I haven't had time to really read any novels lately, but I've been poking around on the web for some new poetry to get into, but have yet to find anything interesting. Any suggestions?
Winter break is rapidly approaching, and I couldn't be more excited. I'll be getting my orders to Ft. Benning should be coming in soon, so my dates at jump school will be fixed. Then, with my $1600 bonus, I'm going to start planning an interesting vacation.
I have no idea what to get ANYONE for Christmas.
Mr. Mason,
Please do understand that by no means do I think that the world is coming to an end or spinning out of control. My post was a reaction to the frantic atmosphere in the news in these most recent times.
In regards to the reduction of the level of American domination however, I am a little iffy. But, if you ask those who know me, I'm not one to worry.
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