FM 6-14: Standard Survival Techniques for Indvidual Sized Units

Noble dead that sleep below,
We your valour ne'er forget;
Soft the heroes' rest who know
Hearts like theirs are beating yet.

24 October 2005

I haven't posted recently because I've had a rough week or so and I don't like to constantly post negative things.

GMC seems to be high school all over again, but worse. When I was in high school, I could go home and sit in my room free from interruption, or go to Mer's house and have a cup of tea and relax. In the barracks people are constantly in and out of our room, partly because they don't know how to respect other's privacy and partly because my roommate doesn't value his alone time as much as I do. I just need time to stop and regroup, and I rarely get that around here.

I'm also receiving a lot of pressure from many different angles. Major Hunt seems to have taken it upon himself to turn me into some sort of super soldier. When he handed Chris his midterm score today he said, "Good job, Walters." When he handed me mine he said, "You can do better, Burns." Chris made a 91. I made a 103. I missed one question. Shoot me now. Chris told me not to worry because I wasn't Jesus. Also, my buddies have been trying to pressure me into not taking any of the training seriously. They even went so far as to answer the phone when Mer called and explain to her that while I would be awesome in the real Army, that we weren't in the Army yet (In their defense I wasn't in the room at the time, and that wasn't the entire conversation). Mer casually pointed out that we were. That's my girl.

Saturday I volunteered for the most hellacious ruckmarch I've been on yet. 6 hours with a 100 hundred pound ruck around the football field and up the stadium. Chris quit after 4 hours, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. He got angry when he realized I wasn't going to walk off the field with him. I suppose he expected me to throw in the towel whenever he did.

I haven't been able to register for classes yet, and Friday is the last day.

Life isn't all bad though. I'm headed to airborne school in a month, and after this weekend we will be officially crested cadets. I look forward to coming home for winter break and seeing everyone. I'm on the final sprint until the end of the quarter. It also looks like I have straight A's, which means I'll have no study hall next quarter.


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